Private Sessions
This is a 90 minute private session with Samuel Camburn. Each session he'll analyze your true flexibility, default patterns, postural alignment and the health of your tissue. He will work with you to discover your most restricted patterns physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally, and use integrative stretching to figure out how to best unlock them, finding the most effective and efficient sequence of movements.
Ultimately you are the authority on yourself and trainers are the guides to teach you how to access the information within you. Your effort can be as light or intense as feels comfortable as long as you are connected to the movement. Making real change requires your participation.
Please note:
A 2 hour initial assessment is required in order to properly evaluate your current situation and formulate a plan to achieve your life and body goals.
Self Stretch Class
This is a small all level group class covering the basic and some advanced concepts of integrative stretching through self and partner stretching. This class takes you through the kinematic patterns of the body in order to help you discover and unlock your specific restrictions. Learning to self-stretch is an unparalleled tool in the self-healing process and is a key component in figuring out what is going on in your body and becoming the authority on what you need.This will in turn lead to a more productive stretch during assisted sessions. Knowing how to self-stretch equates to knowing how to be stretched.
Please see the calendar for my class schedule and sign up in advance to reserve a spot as the class fills up quickly.